Saturday, January 06, 2018

Is she really mine?

For Christmas I bought Daughter some online sewing pattern making classes. She's just messaged me to say they're excellent and she'd like more for her birthday. 

I wonder if she is a changeling. Did I come home from hospital with the wrong baby? No child of mine can enjoy sewing surely?

That said people say she looks like me - and she is bossy like her father - so maybe she is ours.

I have discovered I have very few photos of my children, at lest not without their children as well. So this is the best one I can find.


Sharon said...

Nice that your daughter is following in your footsteps. Mine is nothing like me.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Ah, your children are grown up, too .
It always surprises me for some reason that mine are, if I haven't seen them for a while.

Anna said...

Leadership skills. Also, you have written this post before! Sewing isn't that weird! X