Thursday, January 18, 2018

I just want a pert bottom

Exercise class last night was fairly brutal. Why I thought it would be a good idea to choose a stronger tension band is beyond me. (Sorry, I mean resistance loop bands. I just googled to find a photo and discovered a tension band was something completely different.)
exercise using a resistance band
The exercise we did was a bit like this except we began with the band tense i.e. like he is in the top image. You might be able to look nonchalant, as he is, at that point - but not when you start stretching it out even further. 

Trust me.

Teacher says I'm 'ace-ing it' though. Which is nice to hear even if she is making allowance for my advanced age. I am more than twice as old as the others in the class, nearly thrice possibly! But I try and I probably get points for trying.

It's a Legs, Bums and Tums class and apparently all the young women want bottoms like that Kardashian woman. I don't want a big sticky-out bottom; I would be happy if my bottom just stopped its downwards progress towards my knees.


PipeTobacco said...

Hello Liz:

Having a "pert" anything is indeed a large amount of work. For me it only seems to work when I can find adequate motivation to be consistent in the effort. For whatever reason, I have been able to keep movivated in running now for 1.5 years, and the AirPrint benefit is in the strength and firmness of my legs. It is both nice but odd to be able to see distinctly the muscle groups in my legs from this effort.

In an earlier post from a few days ago, you showed your Doc Martens shoes. I was surprised at them... my daughter has a pair of shoes she just bought that are nearly identical in appearance. They are just some no-name variety, but they must be modeled after Doc Martens, which I have never seen in stores near me, but have long heard of for their quality. I am going to let her know that her shoes are a nice mimic of that well known, high quality brand. She will be pleased, even though they are just a mimic that she bought because she thought they were cute.


PipeTobacco said...

Some sort of autocorrect snafu occurred in the above. "AirPrint" was meant to be "apparent". My apologies.


Anonymous said...

I want a pert bottom too,
just it's not mine ;-)

Liz Hinds said...

I have been exercising for about 15 years now, pipetobacco. Sometimes it seems that I've not improved but I think I must be fitter as a result. They are cute boots too!

I think a lot of people would agree with you, anon (Stu?)